The Huizenprinters foster open sharing of information about 3D concrete printing. One way in which we share our insights is through our wiki (wiki.bouwkoppel.nl).
In this brainstorming session, we will discuss the following points:
- What can we achieve with a wiki?
- What kind of information do we want to share in a wiki environment?
- What are the tools that we have now, that we can share online?
We would love to hear your input on this, to better share our 3D concrete printing insights with the world.
Thursday 28 February 2019
15:30-16:15, Klaslokaal

Hobby computer clubs were a catalyst for large scale introduction of the Personal Computer in the 90s. Currently Fab Labs and Makerspaces pave the way for Personal Fabrication with household 3D printers. What's in stock for Personal Construction?
Thursday 28 February 2019
16:30-17:00, Klaslokaal

Are you interested to see what your design looks like in 3D printed concrete?
This Bouwkoppel will be hosted at the location of our 3D concrete printer so we want to print some designs!
You can send your file to info@dehuizenprinters.com with subject "Please Print my Design"
Please design within the following limitations:
Area: 800 x 1200mm (1 euro pallet) maximum
Height: 600mm maximum
Layer height: 10mm
Layer width: 35mm
Format: STL file
We will choose several designs based on print-strategy.
We want to maximise the experience for those involved.
Thursday 28 February 2019
14:30-15:30, 3D-Printer
16:00-17:00, 3D-Printer

For Bouwkoppel#1 I presented an update of the state of the art of 3D concrete printing.
Much has changed since then. There are trends developing including differentiation in strategy and technological advancement.
I will offer an overview of the developments in terms of projects, countries, milestone and technologies.
Thursday 28 February 2019
13:00-13:30, Klaslokaal

In this workshop we will look at how a 3D object is converted to a print path for the robot in a process called slicing.
This process is done with the Rhino program and the Grasshopper plugin.
Thursday 28 February 2019
14:00-14:30, Klaslokaal

Dynck Designed a boathouse for a replica of a locally historical boat.
A full parametric model was made to maximize the use of the timber for the construction that was locally sourced and preserved by watering the wood.
A test model of the concept form confirmed the aesthetic intent and proved the structural feasibility and the construction principle. Based on this physical principle model, a set of rules was generated to define the relationship between columns, branches and roof elements of the boathouse and these relationships were used to build the digital model.
Thursday 28 February 2019
13:30-14:00, Klaslokaal

We enabled the creation of custom made eyewear. Every face is unique, it consists of many features that determine how a pair of glasses will fit. Surprisingly, one-size-fits-all has been the industry standard for quite some time now. But a frame should always fit perfectly and seamlessly complement the owner’s face. For something as personal as eyewear, customization is the future. It takes our online software a few seconds to render the 3D image in the interface. After you select the frame of choice, you can easily make some final adjustments based on what your expert eye tells you.
Thursday 28 February 2019
16:15-16:30, Klaslokaal
Thursday 28 February 2019
12:00-13:00, Kantine
Thursday 28 February 2019
17:00-18:00, Kantine